Purpose: To assess the efficacy of color Doppler imaging for decision making in the treatment of patients with lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD) compared to digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Materials and Methods: Color Doppler scan was done on patients suspected for lower limb PAD, a day prior to the DSA which was done by a vascular surgeon. Also, for the patients who were candidates for endovascular intervention based on the color Doppler arterial mapping results, endovascular interventions were performed at the same time if the DSA findings are correlated with the color Doppler map. The grading for evaluated segments was normal, insignificant stenosis (<50%), hemodynamically significant stenosis (≥50%) and occlusion. We yielded the diagnostic efficacy indices of Doppler for detecting arterial stenosis in each 18 different arterial segments below the renal arteries including, infrarenal aorta, common and external iliac, common femoral, superficial femoral (proximal, middle and distal segments), deep femoral, popliteal artery, tibioperoneal trunk, anterior and posterior tibial arteries (proximal, middle and distal segments) and peroneal artery (proximal and distal segments). Then, we yielded the kappa agreement between Doppler and DSA findings considering the grade of stenosis in 18 arterial segments separately. Results: Totally 115 lower extremities (2045 arterial segments) were evaluated in 90 patients [mean age: 60.8 ± 8.9 (range: 47-84 years old)] of which 68 (75.6%) were men. The sensitivity of color Doppler for all arterial segments was 90% or higher except for common iliac artery, distal segment of superficial femoral artery and proximal segments of anterior and posterior tibialis and peroneal arteries. However, the specificity was 89% or higher, in all arterial segments. Kappa agreement was 0.72 or higher in all segments (All P-Values < 0.001). Conclusion: This study suggests that considering excellent capability of color Doppler sonography in the evaluation of lower extremity arterial disease, color Doppler arterial mapping is sufficient for decision making in the treatment of these patients and can reduce the rate of diagnostic angiography.