“…Questions were based on our previous survey of elementary school RTI practices (Mellard, Deshler, Frey, & Woods, in press; Mellard, McKnight, & Jordan, 2010; Mellard, McKnight & Woods, 2009). We also included topics identified in RTI literature such as academic screening and progress monitoring (Good, Simmons, & Kame'enui, 2001; Jenkins, Hudson, & Johnson, 2007), data–based decision making (Barnett et al, 2006; VanDerHeyden, Witt, & Barnett, 2005), tiered academic interventions (Ardoin, Witt, Connell, & Koenig, 2005), standard treatment protocol and problem solving models (Fuchs & Deshler, 2007; Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006), specific learning disability (SLD) identification alternative (VanDerHeyden et al, 2005), fidelity of implementation and procedures (Barnett et al, 2006; Kovaleski, Gickling, Morrow, & Swank, 1999; Lane, Bocian, MacMillan, & Gresham, 2004; O'Donnell, 2008), and system review and evaluation (Barnett et al, 2007). However, most literature before 2009 examined RTI in elementary settings only, therefore Shinn's (2008) recommendations, for a secondary RTI framework assisted us in identifying elements that might be specific to middle school settings.…”