The increasing need for daycare service among societies has become a desirable choice by worker parents. This need was met in several nations by providing high-quality daycare services under strict regulations. The demand on daycare services is currently in raise in Saudi society due to the recent transformation that gives women more opportunities to work. The aim of the research is to study the children's day-care centers systems' that can improve and facilitate the daycare centers services such as, check-in/out features and easy parent communications. Keeping parents informed of children progress and how to impede the idea in Saudi Arabia society. Moreover, the research focuses on eliminating the traditional outdated ways of storing and retrieving files, which is used widely in the Saudi daycare centers. In addition, the research highlights different smart features that can be used by the daycare centers, such as a smart card for each child connected to the daycare system. In this case, the card helps in the picking up and the dropping off child process, which is faster and easier, it also will increase the child security. The study works to measure the willingness and the ability of both the day-care centers employees and the parents who have children in the day-care centers in Saudi Arabia to deal with an electronic system instead of the traditional ways. The aim of this research is to increase the quality of all center's processes, services, activities, registration, inquiries, supplies, storing and retrieving files, training workers, infrastructure, etc. However, the research might be limited to daycare centers in Jeddah city in Saudi Arabia.