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ABSTRACTThis research describes research conducted in order to develop an understanding of the cognitive factors that influence cultural models of belief. We evaluated the current state of the art in opinion dynamics research, and provided a brief review of the main issues connecting memory representation and representation in opinion dynamics. We also identified an extended bibliography covering representations and functions in cultural modeling research, and a database of news headlines highlighting potential real-world sources of cultural beliefs in conflict.Finally, we present two research articles that describe a new simulation approach to opinion dynamics that use belief spaces rather than simple single-value attitudes to represent the knowledge being exchanged.
SUMMARYThis report describes the results of one phase of a research effort aimed at delineating the representations, constraints, and other aspects of cultural models. The report includes a basic description of the research effort, an in-depth review regarding research on opinion dynamics, a bibliography of collected research on cultural and belief modeling, a set of new article headlines illustrating situations where cultural beliefs appear to be in conflict, and two papers describing simulation work conducted under this effort.