Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a neoplastic disease in which normal mucosa undergoes a process of malignant transformation due to the progressive accumulation of molecular alterations affecting protooncogenes and oncosuppressor genes. Some of these modifications exert their carcinogenic potential by promoting a constitutive activation of the β-catenin signaling proliferation pathway, and when present, loss of cadherin expression also significantly contributes to the same effect. Using a combined approach of molecular and immunohistochemical analysis, we have previously demonstrated that most sporadic CRCs exhibit a down-regulated expression of a cadherin, named μ-protocadherin, that is generally observed in association with a higher proliferation rate and a worse prognosis. The aim of this report was to perform a comparative immunohistochemical assessment of μ-protocadherin and a similar cadherin, named protocadherin-24, in sporadic CRC and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. The data obtained put in evidence that double-negative CRCs, lacking both the analyzed protocadherins, are more represented among sporadic tumors, whereas double-positive CRCs, maintaining their expression, exhibit an opposite trend. As expected, loss of protocadherin expression was accompanied by nuclear localization of β-catenin and increased positivity of the Ki-67 proliferation marker. This finding is consistent with the different clinical evolution of the 2 considered CRC sets according to which patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer experience a better prognosis as compared with those affected by a sporadic CRC.