“…The experiment consisted of two imaging sessions: the first session was conducted on the whole-brain specimen and the second session was conducted on the excised brain tissues. The following protocol was used for the first session: - MP2RAGE adopted to sensitise for T 1 values between 250 ms and 1000 ms, 1 mm isotropic resolution, TI1/TI2/TR=311/1600/3000 ms, flip angle ( α ) #1/#2 = 4°/6°, Tacq = 5 min;
- 2D spin-echo EPI DWI, 1.6 mm isotropic, TR/TE=15241/77.6 ms, 2-shell (b=0/1250/2500 s/mm 2 , 17/120/120 measurements with 7 b=0 measurements collected with reversed phase-encode blips for distortion correction), 20 repetitions, Tacq = 5.6 hours;
- Monopolar, 3D multi-echo GRE, 1 mm isotropic resolution, TR/TE1/ΔTE/TE6=40/3.45/6.27/34.8 ms, α =20° (optimised for WM T 1 ), 10 orientations with respect to B 0 , chosen to optimise microstructural information decoding (27); Tacq = 1.7 hours.