Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrients for plants. Even though its availability in the air is abundant, it cannot be utilized yet due to its structure. Plasma electrolysis by air injection is effectively degrade organic textile dyes waste. In this study we propose a novel air plasma electrolysis (APE) where direct air injection into plasma zone inside electrolysis plasma can converts air into nitrate, while simultaneously the degradation of dyes waste produces organic nitrogen. Degradation of organic textile dye by APE can also transform nitrogen-rich organic wastewater into nitrogen fertilizers. In this experiment, Remazol red as a compound in the azo dye group was used as a model for organic textile dye wastewater. Air plasma electrolysis reactor equipped with a stainless-steel cathode, a tungsten anode, with various air injection rates and electric power. The results show 99.82% Remazol red degradation and 41.41 mmol of nitrate production. Preliminary efficacy tests on tomato plants showed that the nitrogen fertilizers produced from Remazol red produce the best plant growth. This study shows that APE simultaneously reduces organic textile dye waste, transforms them into potential organic fertilizer, and at the same time, synthesizes nitrates.