This paper addresses two primary questions: (i) How much faster can we disseminate information in a large wireless network if we have multiple communication channels available (as compared to relying on only a single communication channel)? (ii) Can we still disseminate information reliably, even if some subset of the channels are disrupted? In answer to the first question, we reduce the cost of broadcast to O(log log n) rounds/hop, approximately, for sufficiently many channels. We answer the second question in the affirmative, presenting two different algorithms, while at the same time proving a lower bound showing that disrupted channels have unavoidable costs.In more detail, we present upper and lower bounds for the multihop broadcast problem in the tdisrupted radio network model. This model assumes that in every round: each processes can participate on 1 out of C available communication channels, of which up to t < C might be locally disrupted, preventing communication. This model captures the unpredictable message loss that plagues real radio networks. We begin by studying the case with no disruption (t = 0) and present a randomized algorithm that solves broadcast in O((D + log n)(log C + log n C ) rounds, w.h.p., where D is the network diameter and n is the network size. Notice, for a single channel (C = 1), our algorithm has the same running time as the canonical Bar-Yehuda et al. algorithm [3], but as the number of channels increases so does our algorithm's performance advantage. We then prove that for a sufficiently large number of channels, our algorithm is within a O(log log n) factor of optimal.Having shown that multiple channels yield efficiency, we next turn our attention to showing that they also yield robustness. We now consider a setting with adversarial disruption (t > 0) and a common source of randomness. We present a randomized algorithm that solves broadcast in O((D + log n)( C log C log log C C−t + log n C−t )) rounds. For t up to a constant factor of C, this algorithm performs only a factor of O(log log C) slower than the no disruption case: that is, even with significant disruption, our multi-channel algorithm still outperforms solutions that assume a single, perfectly reliable channel. For completeness, we conclude by considering the case with disruption and no common randomness. We demonstrate a clear separation with the common randomness case by proving a lower bound of Ω((D +log n) Ct C−t ) rounds, and then presenting an almost matching randomized upper bound that solves broadcast in O((D + log n) Ct C−t log ( n t )) rounds, w.h.p.