This paper investigates hyperbolic polynomials with quasianalytic coefficients. Our main purpose is to prove factorization theorems for such polynomials, and next to generalize the results of K. Kurdyka and L. Paunescu about perturbation of analytic families of symmetric matrices to the quasianalytic setting.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14P15, 32B20, 15A18, 26E10. [275] c Instytut Matematyczny PAN, 2011 276 K. J. Nowak is derived from Theorem 1 by means of a description of arc-Q-analytic functions due to Bierstone-Milman-Valette [7] and a quasianalytic version of Glaeser's composite function theorem from our paper [21] (where we demonstrate how to carry over the results of Bierstone-Milman-Pawłucki [6] to the quasianalytic setting). Finally, we derive some applications to perturbation of symmetric matrices with quasianalytic entries. In our earlier approach to quasianalytic families of hyperbolic polynomials and symmetric matrices (cf.[17]), we applied a generalization of the Abhyankar-Jung theorem for henselian k[x]-algebras of formal power series, which are closed under reciprocal, power substitution and division by a coordinate, given in our paper [16]. This allowed us to carry over that theorem to the local rings of quasianalytic function germs in several variables in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures. Our proof of that theorem made use, however, of Luengo's statement that every quasiordinary Weierstrass polynomial in Tschirnhausen form is ν-quasiordinary in the sense of Hironaka. Therefore, those results of ours bear a relative character, because it turned out, as indicated in [9], that Luengo's proof seems to have an essential gap.As in our previous papers [14,15], we fix a family Q = (Q m ) m∈N of sheaves of local R-algebras of smooth functions on R m . For each open subset U ⊂ R m , Q(U ) = Q m (U ) is thus a subalgebra of the algebra C ∞ m (U ) of smooth real functions on U . By a Q-analytic function (or a Q-function, for abbreviation) we mean any function f ∈ Q(U ). Similarly, f = (f 1 , . . . , f k ) : U → R kis called a Q-analytic mapping (or a Q-mapping) if so are its components f 1 , . . . , f k . We impose on this family of sheaves the following six conditions:1. each algebra Q(U ) contains the restrictions of all polynomials; 2. Q is closed under composition, i.e. the composition of Q-mappings is a Q-mapping (whenever it is well defined); 3. Q is closed under inverse, i.e. if ϕ : U → V is a Q-mapping between open subsets U, V ⊂ R m , a ∈ U , b ∈ V and (∂ϕ/∂x)(a) = 0, then there are neighborhoods U a and V b of a and b, respectively, and a Qdiffeomorphism ψ : V b → U a such that ϕ • ψ is the identity mapping on V b ; 4. Q is closed under differentiation; 5.