KeywordsThe purpose of this work was to study spectral and Cauchy problem for the mechanical system consisting of three rods, two of them being identical and connected with the third one by linear elastic elements. We stated the corresponding spectral problem and studied its spectrum. Findings of the research show that eigenfunctions of the considered spectral problem are classified according to the irreducible representations of the finite group of transformations despite the fact that the initial equations system admits continuous (Lie) transformation groups. We considered the weak solution of Cauchy problem and revealed its simplification in case of special "symmetrical" form of initial conditions and right-hand side of the corresponding operator equation system Introduction. In the natural vibrations problem symmetry of mechanical system plays an important role. The representation theory of symmetry groups is an approach which allows recognizing and exploiting the influence of the system symmetry on the corresponding spectral problem. The main result of the representation theory with respect to spectral problems can be formulated in the following theorem [1].
Theorem. Let linear operator A commutes (permutable) with the representation operators of symmetry group G and has a discrete spectrum of eigenvalues with finite multiplicity, then its eigenfunctions are basis functions of group G irreducible representations.As a result, with help of projection operators on subspaces of irreducible representations, spectral problem can be solved in these subspaces [2] which usually have lower dimension than initial space [3].This approach has been successfully applied to mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom [4] (molecular vibrations [5], mass-spring models of mechanical systems [6,7], finite element and finite difference models [8][9][10] etc.). In this case the symmetry group is a finite group, usually represented by spatial symmetry of the system, and the irreducible representations and their respective projectors can be easily found with the tables of characters of the finite groups irreducible representations [11].