Abstract. We summarize recent progress in describing the confinement-deconfinement transition from a novel perturbative approach.The low energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics is not accessible to standard perturbative methods based on the Faddeev-Popov gauge fixing procedure, because the corresponding running coupling becomes large at these scales and even diverges at a finite scale known as Λ QCD . To remedy these shortcomings, various non-perturbative approaches have been invented, from lattice QCD to non-perturbative continuum methods, and much progress has been achieved over the years. Here, we would like to report on yet another possible route to the low energy regime of QCD. It is based on the speculation that perturbation theory might be applicable after all, provided one takes into account modifications of the Faddeev-Popov procedure. These modifications are needed because, in most practical cases, the gauge fixing is ambiguous in the infrared due to the presence of socalled Gribov copies. Various ways of dealing with the Gribov ambiguity in the Landau gauge have been proposed in the literature but we shall focus more specifically on the proposal of [1], based on the addition of a gluon mass term to the usual Landau gauge-fixed action. 1 This modified action remains renormalizable and, interestingly, some of the corresponding RG trajectories yield a running coupling that remains bounded and effectively small, even at low energies [3] which justifies the use of perturbation theory in this regime. In particular, at one-loop, the approach has been shown to reproduce lattice results for correlation functions to a good accuracy.We shall further test the validity of this novel perturbative approach by studying the phase structure of QCD in the heavy-quark limit, for which the lattice has provided a wealth of data to compare with, including the case of a real chemical potential. In this regime, the relevant transition is the confinement-deconfinement transition, which we study by evaluating the Polyakov loop effective potential V( ,¯ ). The appropriate extremization of the latter, see below, allows us to access the actual values of the Polyakov loops (P denotes the path-oredering andP the anti-path ordering)as functions of the temperature T = 1/β. These quantities are directly related to the free energies of a static quark and a static anti-quark respectively, = e −βF q and¯ = e −βFq , and are thus order parametersBased on various works in collaboration with Julien Serreau, Matthieu Tissier and Nicolás Wschebor. e-mail: urko.reinosa@polytechnique.edu 1 We refer to [2] and references therein for details on the so-called (refined) Gribov-Zwanziger approach.