I have written this article many times and in many ways, starting from different places, always from the middle, trying each time to catch some of the threads of the rhizome, to tell some story (and simultaneously compelled not to tell others).. .. This story, which I am now ending up telling/ reading at this particular moment, started to come into being on the flight here, during reading of the program, and the abstracts as well as the articles for the workshop on collaborative writing. I mean especially the article titled "Deleuzian Thought and Collaborative Writing" (Wyatt, Gale, Gannon, & Davies, 2010). This is a movement toward a poem, toward writing, a draft written from emerging thoughts, a kind of collaborative writing with a multiplicity of texts, a stream meeting and joining other texts and writings. Along with the poetic and heterogeneous writing, I also follow some byways in the article, which I already wrote in Finland. So this speech (which is writing, which is speech; Derrida, 1967/2003) is seeking a way to present the relational, multiple, and nomadic, always unfinished and incomplete levels of the becoming of an article, becomingthinking and writing (written on Wednesday and Thursday 450157Q IX18710.1177/1077800