Employing benchmarking metrics to
capture the activity
and stability
of electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in acid
is a critical practice that enables meaningful comparison of catalyst
material candidates reported throughout the literature. In this work,
we find that ubiquitously used glassy carbon electrode substrates
oxidize under typical OER operating conditions, forming a pacified,
electrically insulating, and oxygen-rich surface layer that causes
drastic loss of current density over the course of extended chronoamperometric
stability tests at an anodic potential of 1.7 VRHE. We
show that the experimentally observed stability of glassy carbon-based
electrodes is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than that
expected solely from dissolution-based catalyst intrinsic stability
of Ir-based catalysts. We additionally find that glassy carbon-based
electrode stability measured by chronoamperometric holds is greatly
impacted by catalyst loading, with high catalyst loadings improving
the stability of the overall electrode via a protective effect on
the glassy carbon substrate. Overall, our investigation highlights
that glassy carbon is not electrochemically inert under OER conditions
on the timescale of common stability tests, which can cause electrodes
to exhibit performance losses that do not reflect the intrinsic stability
of the actual catalyst material being investigated. In light of our
findings, we underscore the usefulness of metrics, such as the S-number,
to reflect intrinsic catalyst material stability.