“…Towards a deeper understanding of the non-Markovian phenomenon, the search for a sound definition of path-dependent PDEs has attracted great interest by having functional stochastic calculus as the starting point. In this direction, see e.g Peng and Wang [42], Ekren, Keller, Touzi and Zhang [18], Ekren, Touzi and Zhang [19,20], Ekren and Zhang [21], Cosso and Russo [15], Barrasso and Russo [3], Bion-Nadal [6], Flandoli and Zanco [24], Cosso, Federico, Gozzi, Resestolato and Touzi [12] and Buckdahn, Keller, Ma and Zhang [7]. Applications to Finance and stochastic control are considered by e.g Jazaerli and Saporito [27], Possamaï, Tan and Zhou [41], Cont and Lu [11], Pham and Zhang [40].…”