Various research sites are pursuing 14 T MRI systems. However, both local SAR and RF transmit field inhomogeneity will increase. The aim of this simulation study is to investigate the trade-offs between peak local SAR and flip angle uniformity for five transmit coil array designs at 14 T in comparison to 7 T.
Investigated coil array designs are: 8 dipole antennas (8D), 16 dipole antennas (16D), 8 loop coils (8D), 16 loop coils (16L), 8 dipoles/8 loop coils (8D8L) and for reference 8 dipoles at 7 T. Both RF shimming and kT-points were investigated by plotting L-curves of peak SAR levels vs flip angle homogeneity.
For RF shimming, the 16L array performs best. For kT-points, superior flip angle homogeneity is achieved at the expense of more power deposition, and the dipole arrays outperform the loop coil arrays.
Discussion and conclusion
For most arrays and regular imaging, the constraint on head SAR is reached before constraints on peak local SAR are violated. Furthermore, the different drive vectors in kT-points alleviate strong peaks in local SAR. Flip angle inhomogeneity can be alleviated by kT-points at the expense of larger power deposition. For kT-points, the dipole arrays seem to outperform loop coil arrays.