SO FAR. IN MAMMALS, THE BEST CHARACTERIZED marker of sleep homeostasis is slow wave activity (SWA), the power density in the electroencephalogram (EEG) between 0.5 and 4 Hz during NREM sleep. SWA is high at sleep onset and declines during sleep, suggesting that it may reflect the accumulation of sleep pressure as a function of duration and/or intensity of prior waking. 1,2 Why and how SWA should reflect sleep homeostasis, however, is still unclear.We hypothesized that SWA is high at sleep onset because it reflects the occurrence, during waking, of widespread synaptic potentiation in cortical and subcortical areas. 3,4 This increase would be detrimental in the long term, because stronger synapses need more energy, space, and cellular supplies, and may lead to saturation of the ability to learn. Sleep would thus be crucial to renormalize synaptic strength to an energetically sustainable level. Molecular and electrophysiological markers of synaptic potentiation increase after waking in rat cortex and hippocampus, while markers of synaptic depression do so after sleep. 5,6 Moreover, in rats and humans, procedures presumably leading to synaptic potentiation or depression result in SWA increases and decreases, respectively. 7-12 More specifically, a study in humans using highdensity EEG found that performing a visuomotor learning task produced a local increase in SWA during subsequent sleep. 7 The increase was restricted to the right parietal cortical areas presumably modified by learning. 13 Moreover, it was specific for NREM sleep, reversible within the first 90 minutes of sleep, and correlated with the improvement in performance after sleep. 7 However, there is no direct evidence that the motor adaptation task used in that study activates neurons in parietal cortex, nor that it causes synaptic potentiation specifically in that region.Previous studies have suggested that activity-dependent genes activated during a specific waking experience may be reactivated during sleep, perhaps to potentiate the same synapses previously engaged during waking. 14 Ribeiro and colleagues found that the exposure to a new environment for 3 hours 15 results in the immediate cortical and hippocampal induction, during waking, of plasticity-related gene zif-268, 16 followed by its downregulation during NREM sleep, and then again by its increased expression during REM sleep (relative to NREM sleep). Intriguingly ~ 3 min of NREM sleep were enough to downregulate waking-induced zif-268 expression, and ~ 2 min of REM sleep were sufficient to detect its selective reinduction, even if both NREM and REM rats were awake during the last 30 min before sacrifice. Another study 17 recently found, using fluorescent in situ hybridization, that the number of hippocampal CA1 neurons showing induction of Arc and/or Homer1a was similar during "rest" periods before and after the exploration of a new environment. However, more cells were active during both exploration and post-task rest than during exploration and pre-task rest. Based on these findings, it h...