Subsequent to the publication of the above paper, the authors noted that: 1) there was an error on Fig. 4, page 2046, in which the symbols of α-L-fucosidase 1 (FUCA1) and fucosyltransferase 8 (FUT8) had been mistakenly labelled the wrong way around (FUCA1 should have been represented by the blue bars, and FUT8 by the red), and 2) the sentence 'Average levels of FUCA1 mRNA were low in ATCs while expression levels in PTC samples were comparable or slightly higher than those present in normal thyroid tissues (Fig. 4)', page 2046, left column, 4th line from the bottom, was not appropriate to explain the result of Fig. 4. Therefore, this sentence is replaced by: 'FUCA1 RNA expression levels were found to be lower in anaplastic thyroid cancer samples (ATCs), while they were higher in papillary thyroid cancer samples (PTCs) and in normal thyroid tissues (Fig. 4)'.The corrected version of Fig. 4 is shown below, which now accurately shows how FUCA1 RNA expression levels were found to be lower in anaplastic thyroid cancer samples (ATCs), while they were higher in papillary thyroid cancer samples (PTCs) and in normal thyroid tissues. We sincerely apologize for the mistake and the inappropriate explanation in the text, and thank the reader of our article who drew this matter to our attention. Furthermore, we regret any inconvenience these chages have caused. Four ATC samples (T11, T12, T14, T17), 8 PTC samples (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T9, T10), and 4 normal thyroid tissues (NT1, NT2, NT3, NT4) are shown.