Many studies show that oxidative stress is a pathophysiological mechanism of schizophrenia. Elevated oxidative stress levels and the damage to the antioxidant defense system can observed in early schizophrenia. High oxidation levels damage lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and other tissues. Antioxidant defense system imbalance has been observed in both neuroleptic-naïve first-episode schizophrenics and chronic schizophrenics being treated with medication and indicates the presence of oxidative stress in schizophrenia.Antipsychotic drugs also exert certain impacts on oxidative stress while improving the schizophrenia clinical symptoms. Antioxidants synergistically improve schizophrenia clinical symptoms. A combination regime of antipsychotic drugs and antioxidants is a potentially effective treatment strategy for schizophrenia.Keywords: Schizophrenia; Oxidative stress; Antioxidant defense system; Antioxidants.Schizophrenia is a common, serious mental illness, usually associated with, among other things, disordered perceptions, thoughts, emotions, volition and behavior. Major symptoms include positive symptoms (e.g. delusions or hallucinations), negative symptoms (i.e. affective flattening, alogia, or avolition) and cognitive dysfunction. The precise etiology of the disease remain unclear and both genetic and environmental factors appear to be involved. Recently scholars and researchers have begun to study the effect of oxidative stress on schizophrenia pathophysiology and it is thought to be involved in schizophrenia generation and development. This study reviews, and summarizes, schizophrenia pathogenesis, and oxidative stress medication therapy. Oxidative stress explained first, followed by a discussion of its relationship to schizophrenia. It then discusses