In general, pneumomediastinum occurs in newborns with underlying lung problems, particularly when a ventilator is needed. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum without preceding assisted ven tilation, and presenting as a huge cystic mass in a term newborn infant has rarely been reported. This case baby was delivered vaginally at term and developed respiratory distress after birth. The finding of artery blood gas analysis shows severe respiratory acidosis. Initial chest Xrays obtained on admission revealed the presence of a large quantity of air in the mediastinum and pneumo thorax. On the third day of admission, the baby showed no respiratory symptoms and signs. How ever, the cystic and bubbly lesion on the mediastinum remained in chest Xrays. A chest com puted tomography (CT) was performed to determine the origin of the cystic lesion. The CT revealed multiseptated cystic pneumomediastinum on the anterior mediastinum and over the anterior region of both lungs. We report a term neonate with spontaneous multiseptated cystic pneumomediastinum suspected as congenital mediastinal cystic mass.