SummaryThe kinetics of dediazoniation of p-chlorobenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate have been studied in buffer solutions in the pH-range 9.0-10.0, ionic strength 1=0.10, at 20.0" in glass and polytetrafluoroethylene vessels. The presence of oxygen ( < 5 ppb of O,, 60 to 100 ppb of 02, air, >99% of 0,) has a decisive influence on the rate and kinetic order of the dediazoniation. Iodoacetic acid inhibits the reaction, whereas p-chlorophenol has a catalytic effect, and in air and >99% of O2 it acts as an autocatalyst. The reaction is subject to general-base catalysis by water, hydroxyl ions, hydrogen carbonate and carbonate ions. The kinetic results are interpreted in conjunction with data concerning the reaction products [2] and a I5N-CIDNP. investigation of a related system [3]. Specific radical chain mechanisms are consistent with the results.
1.Introduction. -In previous papers we have described investigations of the structure and distribution of products formed in dediazoniations of p-chlorobenzenediazonium ions in weakly alkaline aqueous solutions in the presence and absence of 0, [2] and also the kinetics and mechanisms of these systems under N2 (< 5 ppb of 0,) [ 11 [3]. The analyses of the decomposition products [2] indicate that the mechanism of dediazoniations under these conditions is influenced by 0, present in the solution and in the supernatant atmosphere. In the present paper we report the kinetics of dediazoniations under N, containing traces of O2 (60 to 100 ppb of 0,) as well as in air, and under > 99% of 0,.