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2Issued by S andia N ational Laboratories, operated for the U nited States D epartment o f E nergy b y Sandia Corporation.
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AbstractA new hi gh-fidelity i ntegrated s ystem m ethod a nd a nalysis approach w as de veloped a nd implemented f or c onsistent a nd c omprehensive evaluations of a dvanced f uel c ycles l eading t o minimized T ransuranic ( TRU) inventories. T he method ha s be en i mplemented i n a de veloped code system integrating capabilities of Monte Carlo N -Particle Extended (MCNPX) for highfidelity fuel cycle component simulations.In this report, a Nuclear Energy System (NES) configuration was developed to take advantage of used fuel r ecycling and t ransmutation capabilities i n waste m anagement s cenarios l eading t o minimized TRU waste inventories, long-term activities, and radiotoxicities. The reactor systems and f uel cycle components t hat m ake up the NES w ere s elected f or t heir abi lity t o perform i n tandem to produce clean, safe, and dependable energy in an environmentally conscious manner. The di versity i n performance and spectral ch aracteristics w ere us ed to enhance T RU w aste elimination while e fficiently ut ilizing ur anium resources a nd p roviding a n a bundant energy source.A computational modeling approach was developed for integrating the individual models of the NES. A general approach was ut ilized allowing for t he Integrated S ystem M odel ( ISM) t o be modified in order to provide s imulation for ot her s ystems w ith similar a ttributes. B y ut ilizing this approach, the ISM is capable of performing system evaluations under many different design parameter opt ions. A dditionally, t he p redictive capabilities of the ISM a nd its c omputational time e fficiency a llow f or s ystem s ensitivity/uncertainty a nalysis a nd the impl...