Mammalian neocortex is characterized by a layered architecture and a common or "canonical" microcircuit governing information flow among layers. This microcircuit is thought to underlie the computations required for complex behavior. Despite the absence of a six-layered cortex, birds are capable of complex cognition and behavior. In addition, the avian auditory pallium is composed of adjacent information-processing regions with genetically identified neuron types and projections among regions comparable with those found in the neocortex. Here, we show that the avian auditory pallium exhibits the same information-processing principles that define the canonical cortical microcircuit, long thought to have evolved only in mammals. These results suggest that the canonical cortical microcircuit evolved in a common ancestor of mammals and birds and provide a physiological explanation for the evolution of neural processes that give rise to complex behavior in the absence of cortical lamination.functional connectivity | cortex evolution | songbird | sensory coding T he cognitive abilities of birds suggest that the avian brain contains sophisticated information-processing circuitry. Recent studies have demonstrated that corvids, such as crows, rooks, and jays, exhibit innovative tool manufacture (1), referential gesturing (2), causal reasoning (3, 4), mirror self-recognition (5), and planning for future needs using recent experience (6). Other birds can perform complex pattern recognition (7), long-term recollection (8), and numerical discrimination (9), paralleling the performance of primates. Songbirds, such as zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata, the species studied here), learn to produce and recognize complex vocalizations for social communication, with numerous parallels to speech learning and perception (10).Although cognitive skills in birds and nonhuman mammals are often comparable, avian and mammalian palliums exhibit very different anatomical organization. Although the organization of ascending sensory pathways and subpallial structures are similar in avian and mammalian brains (11), the avian pallium (referred to hereafter as the cortex) lacks the distinctive six-layered structure of the mammalian neocortex (12). Instead of a laminar structure, the avian cortex is composed of interconnected nuclei and bands of neurons that form distinct processing regions. The avian primary auditory cortex (avian A1) is organized into adjacent processing regions, collectively called the field L/CM (caudal mesopallium) complex, that are stacked in a dorsorostral to ventrocaudal orientation (13, 14) ( Fig. 1 and Fig. S1). Regions of avian A1 are delineated by differences in cytoarchitecture and connectivity (13, 15) (SI Materials and Methods) and are organized into superficial (field L1 and lateral caudal mesopallium, CML), intermediate (field L2a and -b), and deep (field L3) regions, similar to neocortical layers. A posterior region, the caudal nidopallium (NC) is referred to as "secondary" cortex here. Fig. 2A shows a schemati...