Nuclear effects in deep inelastic scattering at low x are phenomenologically described changing the typical dynamical and/or kinematical scales characterizing the free nucleon case. In a holographic approach, this rescaling is an analytical property of the computed structure function F 2 (x, Q 2 ). This function is given by the sum of a conformal term and of a contribution due to quark confinement, depending on IR hard-wall parameter z 0 and on the mean square distances, related to a parameter Q , among quarks and gluons in the target. The holographic structure function per nucleon in a nucleus A is evaluated showing that a rescaling of the typical nucleon size, z 0 and Q , due to nuclear binding, can be reabsorbed in a Q 2 -rescaling scheme. The difference between neutron and proton structure functions and the effects of the longitudinal structure functions can also be taken into account. The obtained theoretical results favorably compare with the experimental data.