Traditional teaching models are gradually changing with the development of science and technology, and online teaching is becoming more prevalent, giving rise to the SPOC blended teaching mode. The SPOC blended teaching mode efficiently utilizes MOOC online course resources, combining with traditional teaching to showcase the advantages of online education while mitigating some of the drawbacks of offline instruction. This study, grounded in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), conducts a questionnaire survey among students participating in the "Health Management" SPOC blended teaching mode course. It analyzes the impact of variables such as clarity of learning content, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on the behavioral intention of SPOC blended teaching mode. By constructing a regression model for the behavioral intention of the SPOC blended teaching mode, it explores university students' attitudes towards and willingness to use this teaching mode in the future. The research reveals that the clarity of learning content, as well as individuals' perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, to some extent, determine their behavioral intention towards the SPOC blended teaching mode. However, willingness to use does not have a positive effect. Clarity of learning content influences perceived ease of use, and both clarity of learning content and perceived ease of use influence perceived usefulness to some extent. Perceived usefulness influences willingness to use, but clarity of learning content and perceived ease of use do not impact willingness to use.