Compared with the most commonly used silicon and germanium, which need to work at cryogenic or low temperatures to decrease their noise levels, wide-bandgap compound semiconductors such as silicon carbide allow the operation of radiation detectors at room temperature, with high performance, and without the use of any bulky and expensive cooling equipment. In this work, we investigated the electrical and spectroscopic performance of an innovative position-sensitive semiconductor radiation detector in epitaxial 4H-SiC. The full depletion of the epitaxial layer (124 µm, 5.2 × 10 13 cm −3 ) was reached by biasing the detector up to 600 V. For comparison, two different microstrip detectors were fully characterized from −20 • C to +107 • C. The obtained results show that our prototype detector is suitable for high resolution X-ray spectroscopy with imaging capability in a wide range of operating temperatures. very low noise levels, even at the high electric fields applied during their operation. Moreover, the high thermal conductivity of 4H-SiC (3.8 W/cm • C) enables SiC devices to dissipate large amounts of excess generated heat, which would cause a temperature increase, responsible for degradation of the device's performance. High thermal conductivity is useful for increasing the radiation hardness of the detector, as well as for controlling the operating temperature when the front-end electronics are close to, or in contact with, the detector [16]. Furthermore, SiC can withstand an internal electric field over eight to ten times greater than GaAs or Si (2 MV/cm for 4H-SiC vs. 0.4 MV/cm for GaAs or 0.3 MV/cm for Si) without undergoing avalanche breakdown. This property enables the fabrication of very high-voltage devices [17]. In the case of X-ray detection and spectroscopy, the high breakdown field of 4H-SiC allows, in principle, the detector to work always in the regime of saturated-electron and hole-drift velocities, independently of the detector's active region width. When this operation condition is coupled with epitaxial material of high crystalline quality, a full and fast charge collection can be expected [16], as well as a high sensitivity, as already demonstrated [18]. Such properties allow SiC-based devices to be operated without any costly, bulky, and power-consuming cooling systems, as in the case of Si-or Ge-based devices, while maintaining an excellent signal-to-noise ratio over a wide range of temperatures. This leads to notable advantages in terms of the lower cost, more compact size, lighter weight, lower power consumption, and higher performance of SiC detectors. Further explanation of the electrical properties of SiC in connection with the ionizing detector performance benefits can be found in [16].Microstrip detectors find application where the position of the radiation interaction is necessary information for the physical process to be studied. The advantage of using microstrips with respect to other position-sensitive detectors, such as pixel detectors, is a lower number of readout channels. Se...