Simultaneous leaching of seafloor massive sulfides (SMS) from Loki's Castle on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR) and polymetallic nodules (PN) from Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the Central Pacific Ocean was studied. Leaching tests were conducted using sulfuric acid and sodium chloride, at a temperature of 80 • C for 48 h under reflux. The effect of PN-to-SMS ratio was examined. It was shown that simultaneous leaching of two different types of marine resources was possible resulting in high dissolution rates of metals. The proposed process has many advantages as it does not require pyrometallurgical pretreatment, and yields solid products (i.e., silica, barite, elemental sulfur, albite, microcline, muscovite), which might be utilized for various industrial applications.Minerals 2019, 9, 482 2 of 12 of eliminating gas emission, production of potentially recoverable solid residues and generation of acid, which could be recycled to the head of the process. The new approach holds promise for efficient processing of marine mineral resources.
Materials and Methods
MaterialsThis study utilizes an SMS sample collected from the Loki's Castle active hydrothermal vent field at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR), which occurs on the Mohn's Ridge at a depth of approximately 2400 m [16]. The SMS samples were collected as a part of the MarMine cruise [17]. More than 200 kg of loose boulders from the mound flanks were collected via grab sampling. The location and areas of operation are described elsewhere [7,17,18]. In order to prevent oxidation of sulfides, the collected rock samples were bagged, flushed with nitrogen, vacuum sealed, and stored at −21 • C.The polymetallic deep-sea nodules (PN) studied in this research were collected in the license area of Global Sea Mineral Resources (GSR) from Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the Central Pacific Ocean. The samples were stored in plastic bags.Mili-Q water ® and analytically grade H 2 SO 4 and NaCl were used in the experiments.