In strength training, personalised strength training (autoregulation) approaches have been used to individualise exercise programs with monitoring an for dynamic adjustment based on their responses to training. While this transition from tradition-based training to evidence-based training framework has been an improvement in training practices, we argue that the future of strength training will also incorporate deep learning models powered by data. We refer to this data-driven framework as precision strength training inspired by the similar modeling frameworks used in precision medicine. In contrast to current personalised training in which the acquired athlete data is often subject to human expert decision-making, we are anticipating the rise of human-in-the-loop systems with an augmented coach who will be doing decisions collaboratively with the machine. Similar to other precision frameworks, such as precision health, we envision such a future to take decades to be realised and we focus here on practical short-term targets on a way to long-term realisation. In this chapter, we will review the measurement technology needed for continuous data acquisition from an individual during training/physical activity, how to acquire these datasets for the development of such systems and, how a proof-of-concept system could be developed for powerlifting training with applicability to general strength and conditioning (S&C) and physical rehabilitation purposes. Additionally, we will evaluate how the user experience (UX) of the system feedback and visualisation could be designed.