The present relief reflects a juxtaposition of highly contrasting elements of various ages. The landscape formed in the context of a fluctuating but continuously falling base level since the Cenomanian. After formation of the transform passive margin in Aptian times, landscape development was further driven by regional swell-like uplift. The seaward flank of this broad monocline was eroded, whereas the post-Cenomanian uplift caused an inversion of the Cretaceous basins and generated a landscape in which the most elevated landforms correspond either to resistant Mesozoic sedimentary caprock, or to eroded stumps of syn-rift Cretaceous footwall uplands. Some topographic surfaces at low elevations are Mesozoic land surfaces that became re-exposed in Cenozoic times. Denudation in the last 90 Myear never exceeded mean rates of 10 m Myear −1 and exhumed various Cretaceous stratigraphic unconformities. Obtained by morphostratigraphic methods, these results differ significantly from published AFT-derived estimates reported from Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sandstones of the Araripe basin, implying burial by a considerable thickness of younger section and, later, 1.5 km of post-rift denudation, i.e. two to three times as much as our maximum 0.6-0.7 km estimation. The likelihood of such a scenario is discussed, in the light of the exhumation of surrounding basement surfaces, which probably began very early, as shown to the northwest of the Chapada do Araripe by the presence of widespread laterites of probable Paleogene age. The distribution of these paleosoils indicates an early beginning of the basin topographic inversion, which might correspond to the first post-rift denudation episode reported by the AFTA. The second one, in the Oligocene and later, would correspond to the major stage of river incision and basin inversion. The origin of the discrepancy between the two sets of results is discussed, as well as the causes and exact timing of post-Cenomanian crustal upwarping.