Abstracts-Traditional TEM study mainly focuses on the generation and application of the TE field using a loop or grounded-wire source; but in recent decades, lots of efforts have been made for implementation of the TM field and even the integration of the TE field with the TM one into anomaly detection in the subsurface. However, no applicable principles have been proposed for selecting the optimal electromagnetic field for various subsurface targets. The transient electromagnetic (TEM) fields generated from grounded-wire source consist of the TE-mode response (current-carrying wire), the TE-TM mode response (grounding ends) and the combined TEM-mode response (currentcarrying wire and grounding ends). This study performs a comparison of TE/TE-TM/TEM fields by generating them from grounded-wire source and testing their distribution characteristics, detection depth, and sensitivity to anomalies, using both synthetic 1D model and two field surveys in China. The comparisons demonstrate that, the detection depth of the TE-TM field is smaller than those of both the TE and combined TEM fields. Meanwhile, for electric field, the TE-TM response provides a better detection than the TEM one, but with an uneven distribution. Therefore, the TE-TM electric field requires well-designed arrangements of receiving positions when applied to real projects. For the magnetic field, the TEM response has the best detection capability compared to the TE and TE-TM ones, but is least sensitive to layer thickness and resistivity, especially for an embedded layer with low resistivity.