Aim:The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Axiostat Hemostatic Dental dressing in achieving hemostasis postextraction and determining its effect on pain and healing of the extraction wound, compared with control, i.e., conventional method of extraction in patients on oral antiplatelet therapy.
Materials and methods:Totally, 40 patients on oral antiplatelet drugs were included in the study and overall 80 extractions were done applying split mouth study design, without altering patient's drug regime. Extraction sites were divided into two groups: Group I received Axiostat Hemostatic Dental Dressing (study site), and group II received conventional method; pressure pack with sterile gauze under biting pressure followed by suturing if required (control site) was used to attain hemostasis.
Results: Extraction sites treated with Axiostat HemostaticDressing achieved hemostasis earlier (mean 1 minute 13 seconds) compared with control sites (mean = 14 minutes 1 second), which was also statistically significant (p < 0.001). Postoperative pain was considerably lower and significantly better healing was seen in the study group (p < 0.001) compared with the control.
Conclusion:Axiostat demonstrated to be an effective hemostatic agent that considerably lessens the bleeding time in patients on oral antiplatelet drugs postextraction. In addition, it even offered minimal postoperative pain and improved healing of the extraction wound. On comparing the results of this study with our study on HemCon Dental Dressing, Axiostat Dental Dressing (ADD) is found to be as effective and at par in achieving hemostasis in patients on oral antiplatelet therapy.
Clinical significance:The past few decades have seen an upsurge in use of low-dose aspirin either alone or in combination with other drugs. When these patients require dental/ maxillofacial treatment, earlier concept of stopping these medications is associated with increased risk of thromboembolic event. The present study highlights an alternative approach using ADD which aids in quick hemostasis, accentuates healing, and reduce postoperative pain.