the biogeochemical forces influencing the weathering of spilled
oil have been investigated for decades, the environmental fate and
effects of “oxyhydrocarbons” in sand patties deposited
on beaches are not well-known. We collected sand patties deposited
in the swash zone on Gulf of Mexico beaches following the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill. When sand patties were exposed to simulated sunlight,
a larger concentration of dissolved organic carbon was leached into
seawater than the corresponding dark controls. This result was consistent
with the general ease of movement of seawater through the sand patties
as shown with a 35SO4
2– radiotracer.
Ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry, as well as optical measurements
revealed that the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter
(DOM) leached from the sand patties under dark and irradiated conditions
were substantially different, but neither had a significant inhibitory
influence on the endogenous rate of aerobic or anaerobic microbial
respiratory activity. Rather, the dissolved organic photooxidation
products stimulated significantly more microbial O2 consumption
(113 ± 4 μM) than either the dark (78 ± 2 μM)
controls or the endogenous (38 μM ± 4) forms of DOM. The
changes in the DOM quality and quantity were consistent with biodegradation
as an explanation for the differences. These results confirm that
sand patties undergo a gradual dissolution of DOM in both the dark
and in the light, but photooxidation accelerates the production of
water-soluble polar organic compounds that are relatively more amenable
to aerobic biodegradation. As such, these processes represent previously
unrecognized advanced weathering stages that are important in the
ultimate transformation of spilled crude oil.