In this paper, we study the pricing of contracts in fixed income markets under volatility uncertainty in the sense of Knightian uncertainty or model uncertainty. The starting point is an arbitrage-free bond market under volatility uncertainty. The uncertainty about the volatility is modeled by a G-Brownian motion, which drives the forward rate dynamics. The absence of arbitrage is ensured by a drift condition. Such a setting leads to a sublinear pricing measure for additional contracts, which yields either a single price or a range of prices and provides a connection to hedging prices. Similar to the forward measure approach, we define the forward sublinear expectation to simplify the pricing of cashflows. Under the forward sublinear expectation, we obtain a robust version of the expectations hypothesis, and we show how to price options on forward prices. In addition, we develop pricing methods for contracts consisting of a stream of cashflows, since the nonlinearity of the pricing measure implies that we cannot price a stream of cashflows by pricing each cashflow separately. With these tools, we derive robust pricing formulas for all major interest rate derivatives. The pricing formulas provide a link to the pricing formulas of traditional models without volatility uncertainty and show that volatility uncertainty naturally leads to unspanned stochastic volatility.