The objective of this study was to evaluate the forage availability and performance of goats in thinned Caatinga enriched with Urochloa trichopus subjected to grazing fallowing and levels of phosphorus fertilization. Twenty-four F1 crossbred goats (Boer x Non-descript breed), whole, 15.0 ± 2.6 kg body weight were distributed in four paddocks (n = 6) according to body weight, age and physiological status. Animals grazed on Caatinga, under continuous stocking, and were gathered and kept in individual pens overnight. The experiment to evaluate animal performance was a randomized block design with 4 treatments (0, 11, 33 and 60 days of fallowing) and six replications. To determine dry mass production and floristic composition, phosphate fertilization was used in the doses of x P2O5 in a randomized block design with five treatments, 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg P2O5 with 4 replications. Phosphate fertilization had an effect on the floristic composition of dicots and U. trichopus (P<0.05). There was an effect of pasture fallowing on the final weight of goats, with the lowest weight (20.40 kg) observed after 60 days of fallowing (P<0.05). Fallowing is not suitable for an area of vegetation in the caatinga, because there was a decrease in forage availability and quality in the dry period, resulting in a lower performance of animals.