-Changes in body mass index (BMI) due to various factors, such as a low level of physical activity, are often associated with poor physical fitness in children with probable developmental coordination disorder ( p DCD). This study examined whether children with p DCD would show poorer performance in terms of physical fitness when compared with their typically developing (TD) peers. Thirty two children with p DCD and normal BMI and other 32 children with TD and normal BMI, matched by gender, age and BMI, performed the sit and reach, standing long jump, curl-up, modified pull-up and 9-min run tests. The children in the p DCD group showed lower explosive power, muscle strength and endurance, and cardiorespiratory fitness than children in the TD group. Overall, children with p DCD had lower levels of physical fitness, even with normal BMI. Key words: Children; Developmental coordination disorder; Physical Fitness.
Resumo -Mudanças no índice de massa corporal (IMC), devido a diversos fatores, como o baixo nível de prática de atividade física, são frequentemente associadas ao baixo nível de aptidão física de crianças com provável transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação ( p TDC). O presente estudo examinou se crianças com p TDC apresentariam desempenhos inferiores em termos de aptidão física quando comparado com seus pares de desenvolvimento típico (DT