The U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle U1C protein has a zinc finger-like structure (C2H2 motif) at its N terminus, which is conserved from yeast to humans. Mutations of amino acid L13 within this domain rescue the essential function of the helicase protein Prp28p. Prp28p has been implicated in unwinding the 5 splice site (5ss)-U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) base-pairing, to allow replacement of U1 snRNA with U6 snRNA during spliceosome assembly. The L13 phenotype has therefore been interpreted to indicate that WT U1C contributes to 5ss-U1 snRNA stabilization by binding to the RNA duplex. We show here that an L13 mutant extract cannot form stable base-pairing at room temperature but is permissive for U1-5ss base-pairing at low temperature. This phenotype is similar to that of a U1C-depleted extract, indicating that the U1C L13 mutation is a strong loss-of-function mutation. The two mutant extracts are unlike a WT extract, which undergoes stable pairing at room temperature but little or no pairing at low temperature. Taken together with previous results and the failure to observe a direct interaction of U1C with the U1-5ss duplex, the data suggest that U1C contributes indirectly to stable U1-5ss base-pairing under permissive conditions. A model is proposed to account for the L13 results. E ukaryotic genes are usually interrupted by introns, which must be precisely excised. Intron removal or pre-mRNA splicing takes place within a large RNA-protein machine termed the spliceosome. The five splicing small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and many additional non-snRNP spliceosomal proteins play specific roles in the splicing process (1-8). In both yeast and mammals, pre-mRNA recognition by the spliceosome relies on a set of consensus sequences within the pre-mRNA intronic regions. These are the 5Ј splice site (5Јss), branchpoint, and 3Ј splice site regions, which associate with protein and RNA components of the spliceosome (2, 3, 9, 10).During in vitro splicing, U1 snRNP recognizes the 5Јss in an ATP-independent fashion and joins the pre-mRNA to form commitment complex in yeast or the E complex in mammals (11,12). Because spliceosome assembly is cotranscriptional and the 5Јss is synthesized before the other two cis-acting regions, it presumably associates with U1 snRNP before other splicing components join during subsequent steps of spliceosome assembly (13,14). An alternative view is that a preassembled pentasnRNP recognizes the 5Јss, and the subsequent steps of ''spliceosome assembly'' occur as conformational changes in vivo (15). In either case, the 5Јss sequence functions not only in initial intron recognition but also in subsequent splicing steps, such as splice site partner assignment and even catalysis (16).Commitment complex and E complex formation involve basepairing between the highly conserved pre-mRNA 5Јss and the single-stranded 5Ј end of U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). This base-pairing is critical for the U1 snRNP-5Јss interaction and contributes significantly to 5Јss selection, in both...