This paper investigates the visual representation of the modern domestic space in printed media, particularly, women's interest publications during the Pahlavi period in Iran. The aim of the study is to understand how the notion of 'being modern' regarding the domestic space was explained and visualized in printed media. In other words, the main concern of this study is to explore the concepts that were mostly taken into account in the formation of the modern domestic space in Iranian publications. Therefore, publications targeted at women in the Pahlavi period were scrutinized as the study medium to display both ideas and representations around the domestic space. In these publications, visual tools including photographs, sketches, and advertisements along with texts were rigorously analyzed. The findings of the research highlighted that the ideas in terms of the modern domestic space were very similar to the notions on the modern woman. In order to bring a modern identity to the woman and the domestic space, the abandonment of traditional principles and codes were considered as the initial and necessary step. Consequently, modern concepts including women's education, health, unveiling, and beautiful appearance were introduced in parallel with the concepts of functional, hygienic, visible, and pleasant domestic space in mass media.