The refined process mining framework contains a set of activities that use extracted information from event logs, discovered models and normative ones. Among these activities, we find those dealing with running events in a Structured Business Process (SBP) context, which are the Detect, the Predict and the Recommend activities. These three activities are nominated as an operational support system that aims at detecting deviations, predicting events and recommending actions. In this regard, operational support systems perform well on SBP while, it stills a challenging task for an Unstructured Business Process (UBP). This puts forward the difficulty of predicting events and recommending actions for UBP, because of its complex structure. In this context, simplification and structuring operations must be applied. Therefore, the intervention of other process mining activities is required for business process simplification and structuring. To this end, we present an operational support approach dealing with UBP, using the refined process mining framework activities.