Financial exploitation and psychological abuse of elderly individuals (60 years of age or older) are hidden and pervasive problems that have not been well conceptualized nor well measured. Goals. This research developed concept maps, theoretical hierarchies, and measures to be used in screening and detecting financial exploitation and psychological abuse in older adults. Methods. In Phase 1, the research team used concept mapping with input from 16 experts in the field to conceptualize and organize measure development for these two abuse constructs. Phase 2 of this project was comprised of a feasibility study of a financial exploitation measure and of a psychological abuse measure based on the concept map and expert panel input. Phase 2 consisted of focus groups and cognitive interviews at community sites (e.g., senior centers and case coordination units) to develop procedures for obtaining sensitive information concerning financial exploitation and psychological abuse and to develop new items and refine existing items assessing these areas. Although our original objective was only to develop questionnaires for consumers, we learned that it would be useful to have staff questionnaires that would measure the same constructs. Therefore, we also developed the staff questionnaires. Phase 3 was a full-scale field test of the two abuse subcomponents, i.e., financial exploitation and psychological abuse, with data collection on 227 substantiated elder abuse clients and their 22 corresponding elder abuse investigators with a subsequent psychometric analysis of the resulting client self-report data. Results. The products were: 1) conceptual frameworks for financial exploitation (Conrad, Ridings, Iris, et al., in press) and psychological abuse of the elderly (Conrad, Iris, Ridings, et al., in press), 2) a set of procedures for obtaining sensitive information concerning financial exploitation and psychological abuse from suspected or substantiated clients, and 3) an empirically tested abuse measure that obtains information from the client perspective. Significance. These products should help to open this neglected area for improved services and research. They may help researchers to understand prevalence better by enabling more accurate self and third party reporting. Better measurement will also enable practitioners to screen clients more efficiently, systematically and precisely, so that, with the development of cutoff scores, cases may be triaged more effectively into appropriate interventions.