We report the development and implementation of an energy decomposition analysis (EDA) scheme in the ONETEP linear-scaling electronic structure package. Our approach is hybrid as it combines the localised molecular orbital EDA (Su, P. and Li, H., J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 131, 014102) and the absolutely localised molecular orbital EDA (Khaliullin, R. Z. et al. J.Phys. Chem. A, 2007, 111, 8753-8765) to partition the intermolecular interaction energy into chemically distinct components (electrostatic, exchange, correlation, Pauli-repulsion, polarisation and charge transfer). Limitations shared in EDA approaches such as the issue of basis set dependence in polarisation and charge transfer are discussed and a remedy to this problem is proposed that exploits the strictly localised property of the ONETEP orbitals. Our method is validated on a range of complexes with interactions relevant to drug design. We demonstrate the capabilities for large-scale calculations with our approach on complexes of thrombin with an inhibitor comprised of up to 4975 atoms. Given the capability of ONETEP for large-scale calculations, such as on entire proteins, we expect that our EDA scheme can be applied in a large range of biomolecular problems, especially in the context of drug design.