, pelo aprendizado gerado em mim, de quem tenho grande admiração, não só em assuntos acadêmicos, mas também em assuntos pessoais.Ao departamento de engenharia de produção, professores e funcionários, pelo apoio no meu processo de formação.À Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos pela oportunidade de realização do curso de mestrado À Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, pela concessão da bolsa de mestrado e pelo apoio financeiro para a realização desta pesquisa.Aos pesquisadores que contribuíram com este trabalho, fazendo possível sua culminação.Aos amigos e colegas do programa de mestrado, especialmente aos amigos do grupo de pesquisa DECIDIR. Knowledge has become one of the most important strategic resource in the current competitive business environment, a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Due to its importance in organizational success, managing it properly is a major concern of executives.To this goal models and methodologies have been developed to implement knowledge management in companies, researches that have limitations and lead organizations to failed attempts or partial approaches, limitations as the excessive orientation on the information technologies, the lack of alignment with organizational strategy, insufficient attention on human and cultural factors, the development of models without methodological basis, and mainly, an divided approach of the implementation of knowledge management. Based on a thorough analysis and reflection of these limitations, this study aims to develop an integrated model for the implementation and development of practices of knowledge management, using the Enterprise Knowledge Management (EKD) modeling methodology. To achieve the goal it was be developed a literature search, generating the first version of the model, after that it was be validated with experts in organizational modeling and knowledge management, resulting of the analysis of these appreciations an improved version. The work has resulted in the confrontation and relation of opinions of experts with the theoretical construct, based on the model. The model proposed can guide organizations in this practice and serve as a reference for its better understanding.