En iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği (EİDGK) ondalık sistemle ilk grupta perioperatif 0,08±0,09 ve 6. ayda 0,74±0,19 iken; ikinci grupta 0,33±0,22 ve 6. ayda 0,82±0,13 olarak ölçüldü. En sık izlenen katarakt tipleri ilk grupta %25,7 arka supkapsüler katarakt (ASKK), %20,4 matür katarakt iken 2. grupta ise %21,6 ASKK, %21,5 Derece 3 nükleer katarakttı. Perioperatif en sık komplikasyonlar ise ilk grupta %3,5 arka kapsül rüptürü, %2,7 kapsüloreksisin perifere uzanması ve %1,8 Arjantin bayrağı bulgusu iken, 2. grupta bu oranlar sırasıyla %1,4, %1,7 ve %0,3 olarak görüldü. İlk grup ikinci grupla kıyaslandığında yaş, EİDGK, sistemik hastalık sıklığı, ek patolojiler, katarakt tipleri, korneal ödem ve komplikasyon açısından anlamlı fark izlendi (p<0,05). Sonuç: COVID-19 pandemisi sonrası daha çok olgunlaşmış katarakt tipleri, komplikasyon oranlarında artış ve EİDGK daha düşük izlenmiştir. Göz hekimleri, bu negatif etkileri ortadan kaldırmak için gerekli önlemlerle bu hastalara daha önce ulaşmalıdırlar. Teletıp gibi modern teknolojilerin pandemi döneminde kullanımı bu erişimi artırabilir.
Anah tarKe li me ler: COVID-19 pandemisi; katarakt cerrahisi; fakoemülsifikasyon ABS TRACT Objective: Evaluating the effects of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on cataract surgery. Material and Methods: The visual acuity, cataract types and complications with clinical and demographic characteristics of the patients who underwent cataract surgery in our clinic between the July-2020 and January-2021 as the first group, and same period 1 year earlier as the second group, were analyzed retrospectively. Results: One hundred thirteen patients in the first group and 629 patients in the second group were operated.The mean age was 68.4±13.8 and 63.9±14.7 years. The proportion of male patients was 57.3% and 49.6%. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in the decimal system was 0.08±0.09 preoperatively in the first group and, 0.74±0.19 at 6 months; in the second group, 0.33±0.22, and 0.82±0.13, respectively. The most common types of cataracts in the first group were 25.7% posterior subcapsular cataract (PSCC), 20.4% mature cataract and in the second group, 21.6% PSCC, 21.5% Grade 3 nucleer cataract. The most common perioperative complications were rupture of posterior capsule in 3.5%, extension of capsulorhexis to the periphery in 2.7%, and Argentinean flag sign in 1.8% in the first group, while these rates were 1.4%, 1.7%, and 0.3%, respectively, in the second group. When the groups compared, a significant difference was observed in terms of age, BCVA, frequency of systemic disease, additional pathologies, cataract types, corneal edema and complications (p<0.05). Conclusion: After the COVID-19 pandemic, more mature cataract types, increased complication rates and lower BCVA were observed. In order to eliminate these negative effects, ophthalmologists need to reach these patients, earlier with necessary precautions. The use of modern technologies such as telemedicine during the pandemic can increase this access.