Skeletal muscle is an accessible adult stem-cell model in which differentiated myofibres are maintained and repaired by a selfrenewing stem-cell compartment. These resident stem cells, which are known as satellite cells, lie on the surface of the muscle fibre, between the plasmalemma and overlying basal lamina. Although they are normally mitotically quiescent in adult muscle, satellite cells can be activated when needed to generate myoblasts, which eventually differentiate to provide new myonuclei for the homeostasis, hypertrophy and repair of muscle fibres, or fuse together to form new myofibres for regeneration. Satellite cells also self-renew in order to maintain a viable stem-cell pool that is able to respond to repeated demand. The study of the control of self-renewal has led to the idea that the satellite-cell pool might be heterogeneous: that is it might contain both self-renewing satellite 'stem' cells and myogenic precursors with limited replicative potential in the same anatomical location. The regulatory circuits that control satellite-cell self-renewal are beginning to be deciphered, with Pax7, and Notch and Wnt signalling being clearly implicated. This Commentary seeks to integrate these interesting new findings into the wider context of satellite-cell biology, and to highlight some of the many outstanding questions.
SummaryAll muscle satellite cells are equal, but are some more equal than others?
Peter S. ZammitKingʼs College London, Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics, New Huntʼs House, Guyʼs Campus, London SE1 1UL, UK Author for correspondence (e-mail: Accepted 24 July 2008 Journal of Cell Science 121, 2975-2982 Published by The Company of Biologists 2008Biologists doi:10.1242 Journal of Cell Science 2976 DNA replication during S phase by using tritiated thymidine suggested that labelled satellite cells give rise to myonuclei following cell division (Moss and Leblond, 1970); this was later confirmed by many other studies. Importantly, the tracking of DNA replication also indicated that satellite-cell divisions could be asymmetric in growing muscle and give rise to both myonuclei and satellite cells, which suggests that satellite cells self-renew (Moss and Leblond, 1971). The satellite-cell population in growing muscle can be separated into two groups: a fast-dividing population that undergoes limited replication before differentiating, and a slow-dividing population that might return to G0 between cycles and give rise to the fast-dividing population (Schultz, 1996).Together, these data suggest that, during the early postnatal period, fast-dividing satellite cells initially undergo asymmetric divisions to produce both myonuclei for muscle growth and satellite cells, but later undergo symmetric divisions, so that few of the fastdividing cells remain as satellite cells in adult muscle. The bulk of the satellite cells that exist in adults, therefore, presumably derives from the slow-dividing population. This raises the question of whether most satellite ce...