Extensions of deflation techniques previously developed for the Poisson equation to static elasticity are presented. Compared to the (scalar) Poisson equation (J. Comput. Phys. 2008; 227(24):10196–10208; Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 2010; DOI: ; Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng 2010; 26(1):73–85), the elasticity equations represent a system of equations, giving rise to more complex low‐frequency modes (Multigrid. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2000). In particular, the straightforward extension from the scalar case does not provide generally satisfactory convergence. However, a simple modification allows to recover the remarkable acceleration in convergence and CPU time reached in the scalar case. Numerous examples and timings are provided in a serial and a parallel context and show the dramatic improvements of up to two orders of magnitude in CPU time for grids with moderate graph depths compared to the non‐deflated version. Furthermore, a monotonic decrease of iterations with increasing subdomains, as well as a remarkable acceleration for very few subdomains are also observed if all the rigid body modes are included. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.