On an n-dimensional locally reduced complex analytic space X on which the shifted constant sheaf Qunderlies a mixed Hodge module of weight ≤ n on X, with weight n graded piece isomorphic to the intersection cohomology complex IC • X with constant Q coefficients. In this paper, we identify the weight n − 1 graded piece Grin the case where X is a "parameterized space", using the comparison complex, a perverse sheaf naturally defined on any space for which the shifted constant sheaf Q • X [n] is perverse. In the case where X is a parameterized surface, we can completely determine the remaining terms in the weight filtration on Q, where we also show that the weight filtration is a local topological invariant of X. These examples arise naturally as affine toric surfaces in C 3 , images of finitely-determined maps from C 2 to C 3 , as well as in a well-known conjecture of Lê Dũng Tráng regarding the equisingularity of parameterized surfaces in C 3 .