Chemical U -Th -Pb monazite ages from metasedimentary and meta-igneous units of the Willyama Supergroup have confirmed initial SHRIMP U -Pb metamorphic zircon ages constraining the onset of the earliest tectonometamorphic event (the Olarian Orogeny) at ca 1610 Ma in the southern Curnamona Province. An additional episode of high-grade metamorphism and heterogeneously distributed retrograde metamorphism and monazite recrystallisation occurred between ca 1570 and 1550 Ma. On the basis of monazite chemical U -Th -Pb ages from across the southern Curnamona Province, tectonometamorphic models based on ca 1690 Ma low-P, high-T metamorphism in the southern Curnamona Province are not supported. Furthermore, tectonic reconstructions that rely on the correlation of ca 1690 Ma deformation and metamorphism in the Broken Hill region with a similar aged event in the Mojave tarrane of southwestern Laurentia (AUSWUS) are not supported.