Repassivation current transients in the Fe-caustic system were measured after straining potentiostatically polarized electrodes with a drop weight apparatus, which could produce strains of about 5% in 1 msec. Peak current densities varied from 0.3 to 3.8 A/cm" depending on electrode potential, electrolyte concentration, and temperature, and initial film coverage was complete in less than 1 or 2 msec. The amount of corrosion accompanying passive film formation was not very sensitive to the above-mentioned electrochemical variables, and it ranged from 1 • 10 -3 to 5 X 10 -3 coulombs/cme. Repassivation was facilitated by additions to the test electrolyte of the anodic dissolution product HFeO2-. The total corrosion up to 1 sec following straining was a strong function of potential, electrolyte concentration, and temperature, as was the quasi steady-state current density. The depth of corrosion 1 sec after straining ranged from twenty to several hundred angstrom units. The relevance of these results to several mechanistic models of caustic cracking is discussed.The study of corrosion transients in alloy-corrodent systems exhibiting stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is of great importance in understanding the mechanism (s) of cracking. For instance, it has been proposed that susceptibility to SCC is in part determined by the amount of corrosion occurring after fracture of a protective passive film at the crack tip, and before repassivation occurs (1-4). Comparison of the effects of such pertinent electrochemical variables as electrode potential and electrolyte concentration on the kinetics of transient corrosion and on the rate of crack propagation during SCC should provide insight into this film rupture mechanism. Indeed, in a broader sense results can hopefully help determine the applicability to caustic SCC (CSCC) of the several types of models based on anodic dissolution, such as those involving periodic film rupture and intermittent crack advance (1-4), and others supporting uniform crack advance by corrosion at a continuously active crack tip (5, 6).Although repassivation phenomena have been intensely investigated, relatively few studies have been made in systems which exhibit SCC. Recent exceptions are the studies of Beck (7), and Ambrose and Kruger (8,9). Beck measured the repassivation rate of Ti in HC1 electrolytes after specimen fracture, and he observed peak current densities of several amperes per square centimeter and initiation of repassivation in milliseconds due to monolayer oxide film formation. Ambrose and Kruger, using an abrasion technique called triboellipsometry (8), studied the repassivation of mild steel in NO.~-and NO2-solutions (8), and of Ti in NQ-and C1-electrolytes (9). Again, large current transients resulted and repassivation began within several milliseconds after the cessation of abrasion.This work is part of a continuing study designed to determine the validity of the film rupture theory of SCC as recently formulated (1, 2). The Fe-caustic system was chosen as a model for investigatio...