This report presents a description of geotechnical measurement techniques that can provide the data necessary for safe development-i.e., location, design, construction, operation, decommissioning and abandonment--of a radioactive waste repository in bedded salt. Geotechnical data obtained by a diversity of measurement techniques are required during all phases of repository evolution.The techniques discussed in this report are grouped in the following categories:• Geologic, Geophysical and Geodetic • Rock Mechanics
• Hydrologic, Hydrogeologic and Water Quality » ThermalThe major contribution of the report is the presentation of extensive tables that provide a review of available measurement techniques for each of these categories. The tables give th;? purpose of the measure ments, the applicable repository development stage, a brief description of the techniques, and references in which detailed discussions can be found. Where possible, the techniques are arranged in the order in which they would normally be used. Table 11 summarizes the geotechnical activ ities for each development stage, coordinated with a licensing schedule. The licensing process shown here is suppositional because regulatory pro cedures have not been clearly defined.The techniques are also discussed in the text to the extent necessary to describe the measurements and associated instruments, and to evaluate the applicability or limitations of the method. More detailed discussions of thermal phenomena, creep laws and geophysical methods are contained in the appendices; references to detailed explanations of measurement techniques and instrumentation are included throughout the report. -1 -A large number of techniques are listed. Some of them measure the desired properties directly, others must use an indirect approach tu calculate the necessary parameter, and in some cases, no truly applicable measuring technique exists. Recommendations are made where research and develop ment could provide improved or new methods to obtain necessary data. Geologic formations are never completely isotropic or homogeneous; professional judgment is always required to evaluate the validity of measurements and tD decide to what degree the data are representative of the general area. Interpretation, weighting and integration of data produced by all the various techniques will normally be required to develop a reliable model. Two measurement programs are required: exploration and monitoring. The exploratory program would be designed to determine the naturally exist ing geologic, geometric, thermal, and hydrologic configuration of a repository site, and to measure t 9 physical properties of the geologic materials at the site. The monitoring program would be designed to measure any changes in baseline conditions resulting from construction and operation of the repository in order to anticipate potential leakage or rock instability, and to assess the long-term performance of the repository. The summary below includes research findings for each pectechnical category. Geol...