FundingThis work benefits from founding from the University of Catania in the frame of the project "Multidisciplinary analysis of the deformation around active tectonic structures" (responsible G. Barreca) and partly from the MUSE 4D project -Overtime tectonic, dynamic and rheologic control on destructive multiple seismic events -Special Italian Faults & Earthquakes: from real 4D cases to models in the frame of PRIN 2017.
Authors' contributionSG: work planning, conceptualization, seismic data interpretation, data analysis and interpretation of results, review of literature, figures preparation, writing the initial draft and final version of the manuscript. GB: seismic data interpretation, data analysis and interpretation of results, review of literature, writing the initial draft and final version of the manuscript, critical reading of the manuscript, funding acquisition. FG: POS496 seismic data acquisition and processing, critical reading of the manuscript. CM: review of the literature data, critical reading of the manuscript, funding acquisition, supervision, final approval of the manuscript. M-AG: planned the CIRCEE marine geophysical survey, seismic data acquisition, critical reading of the manuscript.