Abstract. Available results for five studied valleys of the Khibiny
Mountains, Kola Peninsula, suggest that slush flows and, possibly for some
valleys, typical debris flows with lower frequency, are a leading mechanism
for downstream sediment delivery and valley floor topographical formation.
Typical fluvial topography in slush flow-affected basins is extremely
suppressed or nonexistent, since under such conditions, stream channels are
unable to rework slush flow deposits. The recovery phase of fluvial
topography can serve as an indicator of the magnitude and time passed since
the last extreme event. A combination of grain size analysis, radionuclide
fingerprinting with the 232Th content in the finer-grained sediment
matrix (size <10 mm) and 14C dating, were applied to reveal
the age and common structure of debris and slush flow environments and to
investigate the main factors in their lithodynamics. Those helped to
estimate transportation distances and capacities of the flows and the amount
of fluvial reworking of its deposits with time. Application of radiocarbon
dating to determine absolute ages (about 30 dates) of stabilization periods
for the colluvial cones, mountain fans and valley bottoms and integration
with other available chronological data provided a basis for distinguishing
several stages of decreased activity of debris and slush flows and extreme
slope failures through the second half of the Holocene. Field mapping and
remote sensing data interpretation revealed spatial distribution patterns of
debris and slush flows. Geomorphic analysis of large relic landforms in
valley bottoms confirms, in general, the case for a significant reduction of
debris flow magnitude since the last deglaciation and distinct shift to
slush flow processes with much lower clastic content. A reliable chronology
of the early events is yet to be obtained representing a challenging problem
for future research.