Bryant-Salamon constructed three 1-parameter families of complete manifolds with holonomy G2 which are asymptotically conical to a holonomy G2 cone. For each of these families, including their asymptotic cone, we construct a fibration by asymptotically conical and conically singular coassociative 4-folds. We show that these fibrations are natural generalizations of the following three well-known coassociative fibrations on R 7 : the trivial fibration by 4-planes, the product of the standard Lefschetz fibration of C 3 with a line, and the Harvey-Lawson coassociative fibration. In particular, we describe coassociative fibrations of the bundle of anti-self-dual 2-forms over the 4-sphere S 4 , and the cone on CP 3 , whose smooth fibres are T * S 2 , and whose singular fibres are R 4 /{±1}. We relate these fibrations to hypersymplectic geometry, Donaldson's work on Kovalev-Lefschetz fibrations, harmonic 1-forms and the Joyce-Karigiannis construction of holonomy G2 manifolds, and we construct vanishing cycles and associative "thimbles" for these fibrations.
PreliminariesIn this section we review various preliminary results on G 2 manifolds, Riemannian conifolds, calibrated submanifolds, multimoment maps, coassociative fibrations, and hypersymplectic structures.